Sun sea sand

Sun sea sand

Saturday, March 29, 2008

My car is in Europe

Well, Si Merah (for the colour red) seems to think it is, as it gave up spewing cold air through the air-cond vents and instead decided that the driver in equatorial Brunei needed a heater.

It was truly a horrendous experience, as the windows don't really open (old cars have windows which fall out sideways) and we were building up steam inside the car. At 1pm, local time, just after the sun was at its zenith, the inside of the car was hotter than the weather outside.

Not too hot to be funny though. Passing a sign for the Giant hypermarket, the first to open in Brunei (on March 22), my passenger Juli said Giant must be the hottest thing in Brunei right now, before adding: "But not as hot as Si Merah!"

I wilted.

1 comment:

The Blueberry said...

Pengiran Eza! Hawaw you??? Sihat ke?... Lamanya aku tak mendengar sebarang hapdate dari ngkauuu... Ngkau bawak kereta apa nie? Cakap nak pakai Mini Cooper?...